Henry and I took a cold, afternoon boat ride... he really loves to watch birds, so we spent most of our time chasing birds around...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
:::henry's dog day:::
:::aiden sings:::
for christmas aiden and gran-mommy recorded several songs for monica as a christmas present...
twinkle twinkle
she sailed away
a is for alice
:::lyle's first red:::
lyle's first redfish came at a high cost: we beached hard on the way into the ramp at cockroach bay, the game warden gave us a strict going over regarding the fish, and my man lyle, un-used to the pre-historic vehicles that required you to turn off the lights, assisted us to a dead battery that required something of a wait for a jump... but it was a good day all the same and... i caught a ton of baitfish for the first time...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
:::b'day @ the park:::
june was the happiest birthday girl i've seen... she seemed like she thought she had woken into somebody else's life, and wanted to ask "can this be happening to me?"...
:::happy birthday june:::
June: on her 3rd birthday.
I want to go to “ehmmy” and “buppa’s” house
And play with my “deedo” there,
But not before I put my “lollas” on
“June’s lips urt” everywhere.
Today is the day that I turn “dree”
I still can be scared of the “da-a-a-rk”
And I won’t go out with less than three
“durses” on my arm for the park.
I accessorize, I snuggle, I jump,
I draw, and I play, and I cry.
I love it when I get to stay up late
I'll tell Aiden and "Eddie" goodbye.
:::shady contours:::
this is for all you shady lake aficionados who have always been wondering why no one ever did a bathymetric (unscientific) chart of shady lake... well, last year i had the boat in there for an afternoon, and took some notes...
:::early bass '85 - '89:::
some bass from another era... as you can see, growing up on a florida phosphate pit has its benefits in terms of producing some large fish, i do wish that i had kept a camera to document all of them...
from 12 to 14: 8lber in lake areitta, on a silver/black auger-tail worm, sadly not released; a 7lber on a gold bang-a-lure; a 7lber on a grape worm, notice the wet pants, i jumped in to land this one when the line snapped and got soaked before school. the vertical striped pants i grabbed in a rush didnt go well with the plaid, nor did the wet underwear i forgot to change...
:::'06 toads:::
a few of the larger bass i caught in '06 (all released alive)...
one from shady lake pushing 10lbs, and one from eagle in the 9lbs range...
a midnight shady lake 7lber, and a 6lber from kissimmee...
one from shady lake pushing 10lbs, and one from eagle in the 9lbs range...
a midnight shady lake 7lber, and a 6lber from kissimmee...
:::asleep at the wheel:::
all i want is a little nap in the afternoon, unmolested... is that to much to ask? apparently june and aiden think so...
georgiana lynne strawbridge... born december 5th, 2006... weighing in at 7lbs 3oz's
georgiana is cute, cuddly, and cranky... but her big sisters are a big help (one more than the other)... we have seen a smile un-bowel-related, so she's "getting bigger" (as aiden would say)...
:::the vince and mon family:::
what have we done?
there you have them in all their glory, aiden the dancer, june the, uhm, well... june, henry the boy, and 'giana the baby...
:::aiden firsts:::
a few pictures of aiden "getting bigger"...
age 3 - a "purple gill" down on "buppa's" dock...
age 4 - a 4lbs bass caught during spawn (and released) at hillsbourough river state park on a camping trip with the tuckers... i cast the pole for her, and she said, "i got one daddy." i said, "no you don't." she kept reeling, and sure enough...
age 5 - a first redfish... quite a ways below the slot, but all by herself all the same... we were camping at mosquito lagoon on the east coast with cannon kirby and his daughter fern...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
:::first '07 tadpoles:::
on a trip with "hig" over on lake toho... the first is just under 6lbs, and the second is just over 6lbs... they were staging - caught over the grass on a "baby bass" crankbait...
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