i went along on aiden's field trip to dinosaur world recently... we had pringles and pizza and asked every guy digging new irrigation lines, "has encontrado huesos del dinosaurio?" well, thats how we would have asked it if we knew spanish... as it was the question "have you found any dinosaur bones?" was never answered...
however, i did issue my first rejection to a boy asking to marry aiden...
always the over protective father
the overprotection oozes out of him as he sleeps while in charge of the children.
Ha ha ha ha hoo hoo hoo hoo oh oh.
*holds sides*
i put aiden in charge; it was covered!
Hee. Better get used to the boys, that kid's a looker.
make that TEN
camera is awol this morning
well you need to buy another camera because your blog keeps me in touch via alabama. you also should send me any stories about my mom that are your favorites, because im expounding on janies mother's day blog by compiling stories. i know youve got some...
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